Professor Ahmed El-Hashim

Professor Ahmed El-Hashim


Professor Ahmed El-Hashim


Kuwait University

Year elected:


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Ahmed El-Hashim obtained his BSc (1993) and completed his PhD (1997) in Pharmacology from King’s College London, before joining Novartis Pharma as a post-doctoral fellow where he worked in late pre-clinical drug discovery and development of animal models of respiratory disease. In 2000, he was appointed as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Faculty of Pharmacy, Kuwait University where he currently serves as Professor of Respiratory Pharmacology. His research interests focus on asthma and cough and his group is currently investigating the aberrant signalling pathways in asthma and the peripheral and central neural systems that regulate cough. In addition, to his research activity, Professor El-Hashim is involved with teaching of both pharmacy undergraduate and post-graduate students (basic pharmacology, therapeutics and drug discovery), having participated in the development of both MSc and PharmD programmes ongoing in the Faculty. He has served as the first Director of the MSc program and as Chairman of his Department and as a consultant for the Pharma industry. He is currently an editorial board member and reviewer for several journals.